About Warrior Run-Fort Freeland Heritage Society


The Warrior Run – Fort Freeland Heritage Society is a 501(c)(3) ingratiation dedicated to the preservation, conservation, and presentation of the history and heritage of the Warrior Run and surrounding areas. In accordance with this mission, the Warrior – Fort Freeland Heritage Society has leased several Warrior Run School District buildings and surrounding acreage for its activities. The Warrior Run – Fort Freeland Heritage Society owns the Historic Warrior Run Church, cemetery and service buildings, but follows guidelines of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Historical and Museum Commission for maintenance and repairs.


To interpret the history and heritage of the Warrior Run and Surrounding areas by means of educational programs, lectures, demonstrations, workshops, public events, and exhibits.

To encourage public interest in the history and heritage of the above area through research, interpretation, collection, and preservation.

To collect, preserve, protect, and display artifacts, books, documents, and other cultural items such as manuscripts, maps, genealogies, letters, journals, relics, furniture, tools, implements, photographs and paintings.

To purchase, lease or otherwise procure equipment and buildings for the above purposes and to maintain the same.

Board of Directors and Officers

Terms Run from January 1 to December 31


President – Landon Koch
Vice President – Melissa Kilgus
Treasurer – Cathy Metzger                           Asst. Treasurer – Al Reeves
Secretary – Heidi Eppenbach                      Asst. Secretary –  Sue Eppenbach
Membership – Cathy Metzger

Contact Us

Warrior Run-Fort Freeland Heritage Society
PO Box 26
Turbotville, PA 17772

Email: info@freelandfarm.org


AUDIT/FINANCE COMMITTEE – Melissa Kilgus, Cathy Metzger, Scott Pawling, and Traci Pawling


HISTORIAN – Leon Hagenbuch

Board of Directors

Current Directors serving 2-year term
Heidi Eppenbach E. Jane Koch Al Reeves
Sue Eppenbach Landon Koch Randy Watts
Doug Ertel Cathy Metzger Ethan Whitmoyer
Peggy Gelnett June Moser
Leon Hagenbuch Steve Moser
Melissa Kilgus Daniel Phillips

Social Media – Maris Kilgus

Honorary Board Members

Janet Hause*
Donna Meyer
Ruth Moser
Jane Shuman*
Virginia Hartman*        Hall Williams*
Betty Miller*                  Ruth Webb*
Preston Webb*
Sue Whitmoyer*
