
The “Heritage Receipts” Cookbook is a compilation of treasured historic receipts (recipes) of Central Pennsylvania, including 67 recipes spanning 120 years from 1750 to 1870. Recipes are demonstrated annually at Warrior Run-Fort Freeland Heritage Days. PRICE: $5.00

Preservation of the Past uses through rubbings and photos to depict most of the tombstones in the Warrior Run Cemetery. (One error found:   Alexr Pollock died at age 41 in 1806, not age 12) PRICE: $15.00

Fraktur Note Cards by Henry Young and Martin Brechall. 4 fraktur examples, 2 each with envelopes, 8 cards total PRICE: $4.00

Hower-Slote House Note Cards by David Hontz 10 cards with envelopes PRICE: $4.00

Heritage Days Medallion is a beautiful pewter piece, designed and sold to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Fort Freeland-Heritage Society Heritage Days. (Shipping Extra) PRICE: $1.00

The Warrior Run Church Sampler includes historic facts about the Warrior Run Church and the Warrior Run area, this book will be of special interest to genealogists. PRICE: $5.00

Warrior Run Church Note Cards by Eric Seksinsky 10 cards with envelopes PRICE: $4.00

The Four Seasons of the Historic Warrior Run Church recorded by David Knauss. songs of the seasons played on a late 1800’s pump reed organ. CD PRICE: $6.00

18th Century Redware Charger Reproduction crafted by Selinda Kennedy of Muncy. Contact Steve Myers at 570-584-4376 to order. PRICE: $275.00 — $75.00 will benefit the WRFFHS.

Wennawoods Publishing:     Available Title: Brulé’s Discoveries and Explorations 1610-1626 Other Books: The West Branch Valley of the Susquehanna in the American Revolution, by Robert Swope, Jr. :  Very well-researched, military campaigns and daily life, Indian raids, etc., easy to read.  $20.00 Difficult Crossings, by Robert Scott Franks.  Traces the events in the lower […]

9 x 9 Traditional pan & green lid $22.00 9” Pie pan & blue lid $21.00